The beautiful Thoroughbred Zenyatta won her 18th race yesterday at the Del Mar race track in Southern California.
Her story is a good one. She was purchased for a mere $60,000, and she wasn't in the best of health. Owner Jerry Moss said she had a large rash covering her body when he bought her.
Trainer John Shirreffs, pictured here with Zenyatta, patiently nursed her back to health, and then promptly turned her into an equine superstar. (Photo by Danny Moloshok/Reuters)
The undefeated Zenyatta has earned a total of $6,254,580 to date. She is six years old, and she is named for the rock album "Zenyatta Mondatta" by The Police.
Los Angeles Times columnist Bill Dwyre wrote a great article here: http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-0808-dwyre-zenyatta-20100808,0,6960594.column